The reason for the season happens later this week. Enjoy the Winter Solstice!
Yesterday with Hitch
Today, check out a new Welcome to Our Radio Station
Tomorrow, new Unseen Cinema
The reason for the season happens later this week. Enjoy the Winter Solstice! Yesterday with Hitch Today, check out a new Welcome to Our Radio Station Tomorrow, new Unseen Cinema
OK, the head cold is on the way out, and that means web content is on the way in!
Today, a few quotes from Mr. Hitchens Tomorrow, the next installment of Welcome to Our Radio Station Tuesday, new Unseen Cinema! Thanks for your patience in my not updating the site.
I got knocked on my butt by a head cold, and my brain hasn't been cooperating the last few days. Instead of distributing inferior product on the internet, I chose to post nothing. I refuse to lower my standards just to fill pages of words that don't make sense. In the meantime, here's a page full of words that don't make sense. Hopefully, Monday we're right back to it! May 31st, I watched the movie Highlander for the first time ever. These are the rambling notes I took without editing them. It's been a few months, so I forget what most of them mean.
So I have some germs in my blood that are forcing me to have a cold. Working day and night for days on end to bring you this massively entertaining website has crippled my immune system.
Don't get me wrong, it's all worth it. Though it's a little frustrating that it'll put a little dent in my web-momentum (webmentum?). Last night, after convincing my trivia team to go all-in on an answer we weren't sure of, causing us to totally lose, I came home to my apartment which smelled like pickles. I don't know why it smelled that way, but is that an interesting enough story for a blog post? My brain seems to think it is. Also, my brain likes commas. So until my brain decides to rejoin the game, here's the next Welcome to Our Radio Station for you. And if you didn't see Unseen Cinema posted yesterday, well neither did I. More funny coming soon. Promise! That was a fun first day! Thanks to everyone who visited, commented and shared. All your input is extremely valuable to me!
Today, a new feature begins: Unseen Cinema. I'll review and recap movies I've never seen, and we start with one of the biggest movies ever: The Titanic. If you've never seen it, I will paint you a mesmerizing word-picture of a Hollywood Classic. The next installment of Welcome to Our Radio Station is up as well. Learn about how radio impacts our lives daily! Thanks again for all your support, and don't forget to find me on Facebook and Twitter! Welcome to The Vertical Files. I gots a lot of stuff collected in my closets and in my head. I'm gonna let all out here.
Lucky you. Eventually, this site will be jam-packed with what the critics are already calling "nail-biting, excitement-filled, dusty garbage" and "completely unnecessary". For now, please enjoy the beginnings of the next internet phenomenon, including: The Ticket Stub Project Welcome to Our Radio Station Interviews and more. MORE! Check back for updates, and find me on Facebook! I'm glad you're here. Welcome! |
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Time Travel
July 2013