I've come to the realization that this site might be more difficult to navigate than I intended.
I just wanted you to be aware that I was aware, and so now we are both aware, and awareness is power. I'll streamline things here as often as I can.
Until that day, here's a look at some of the more popular posts from the past that you may have missed:
The Deal With Cats
Welcome to Our Radio Station
New for today: My appreciation of the movie Forbidden Planet. I can't really call it a recap or review. Read it and you'll see why.
That "appreciation" follows my seeing the movie at the Redford Theatre. Read about how much I enjoyed it.
Also, please "like" the new Facebook page for this site. It'll make it easier for you and I to share info, and easier for you to share with friends!
Thanks again for your support! Your sharing is helping to grow this site!
I just wanted you to be aware that I was aware, and so now we are both aware, and awareness is power. I'll streamline things here as often as I can.
Until that day, here's a look at some of the more popular posts from the past that you may have missed:
The Deal With Cats
Welcome to Our Radio Station
New for today: My appreciation of the movie Forbidden Planet. I can't really call it a recap or review. Read it and you'll see why.
That "appreciation" follows my seeing the movie at the Redford Theatre. Read about how much I enjoyed it.
Also, please "like" the new Facebook page for this site. It'll make it easier for you and I to share info, and easier for you to share with friends!
Thanks again for your support! Your sharing is helping to grow this site!