This week, Christopher Hitchens died. I didn't always agree with what he said (although I rarely disagreed), but he always said it really really with gooder words than with what how I be talk sometimes:
- "...Anything can be pardoned except utter indifference" - 1990
- "...There aren't enough churches in the country to hold the hordes who boast of attending" - 2007
- "To do nothing is a policy." - 1984
- "The forces set off by the big bang, the great redshifts and waves of radiation that send the galaxies and nebulas speeding apart from one another, are morally neutral. These forces do not know or care whether you are a Baptist, a snake handler, a Druze, or a Hindu." - 1992
- "Time has a way of assigning value" - 2003
- "In some ways I feel sorry for racists and for religious fanatics, because they so much miss the point of being human, and deserve a sort of pity. But then I harden my heart, and decide to hate them all the more, because of the misery they inflict and because of the contemptible excuses they advance for doing so." - 2001