Go to sleep, you weary hobo:
Thanks for so much great music, Mr. Seeger!
Go to sleep, you weary hobo: Thanks for so much great music, Mr. Seeger!
If you like travel documentaries: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/An_Idiot_Abroad But don't like travel (like me), this BBC series is for you! Seek it out on Netflix! It was more than just walking and giving speeches: It's an interesting personal essay. Got some old books? http://themetapicture.com/hidden-messages-in-books/ Check them for hidden messages! What an interesting chap: Hard to believe he really believed in fairies, though. Yet, he sure did! It doesn't work like you think it should: http://io9.com/the-long-running-mystery-of-the-feynman-sprinkler-1497717528 But why? Or "stalking" Dean Martin: http://dangerousminds.net/comments/the_time_i_met_dean_martin..._a_true_story Still, I would have liked to shake the man's hand! I've always enjoyed Greek & Roman mythology... Here's a handy guide to it all! It's fun to just poke around and see what you find! |
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March 2014