Last month, there was an outcry about a Girl Scout Troop allowing a transgender child to enjoy things like camping and making pot holders with other girls. A cookie boycott was suggested. The kerfuffle seems to have died down a little, but the original story is on CNN here.
Now, more than a month later, a GOP representative from Fort Wayne, Indiana has taken a break from trying to control grown women's bodies, and moved on to controlling little girls' instead. Check out the latest story here.
Boy Scouts are immune from this kind of criticism, because they already disallow gay and atheist members. They conform with the American Conservative agenda, which of course is boys good, girls bad.
Children shouldn't be allowed to be used as pawns in their parents' political and religious agendas, but they are. It's just too bad.
I offer you this picture above as a sign of support to our young ladies who need guidance and direction. Girl Scouts help provide a diverse community for some girls who may otherwise never get such a structure in their lives. If you have an opportunity to buy an extra box of cookies, do it.
Do it for a young lady that you don't even know.
Get started here!
On a lighter note, there's a new Ticket Stub Project posted today, and some new songs were added yesterday to The King of Radio. I'm so happy for you that you get to experience these songs for the first time!
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