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You probably heard last night on the news about the bitter feud going on between me and Neil deGrasse Tyson, a leading astrophysicist and, since 1996, the Frederick P. Rose Director of the Hayden Planetarium at the American Museum of Natural History on Manhattan's Upper West Side. For years, he's been reading my theories about astrophysics and passing them off as his own.
I can deal with that. It doesn't really bother me that much. I'm not looking to make my name in astrophysics, just looking to advance science for the good of humanity. What does bother me, however, is when he obviously reads my Facebook status, and then just copies it like it doesn't even matter.
You will notice that shortly BEFORE 6pm Monday night, I Tweeted about how cool the moon looked, which was posted to my Facebook page. Shortly AFTER 6pm, see who decided to post about the exact same thing?
I had a ten-minute lead on that story, and does he give me credit? Heck no. That's what famous scientists do, I guess. Egghead idea thieves.
Dr. T (if that is in fact your real name), you may contact me to discuss this matter here. Otherwise, we have nothing else to say to each other. Feel free to keep the Arrested Development DVDs that you borrowed from me until we clear this up.
Today, new Welcome to Our Radio Station! New Unseen Cinema!
Try not to steal these ideas, Neil. Thanks.
I had a ten-minute lead on that story, and does he give me credit? Heck no. That's what famous scientists do, I guess. Egghead idea thieves.
Dr. T (if that is in fact your real name), you may contact me to discuss this matter here. Otherwise, we have nothing else to say to each other. Feel free to keep the Arrested Development DVDs that you borrowed from me until we clear this up.
Today, new Welcome to Our Radio Station! New Unseen Cinema!
Try not to steal these ideas, Neil. Thanks.