I have a vague memory of pulling all the tubes out of my body. A friend told me a story about the aftermath of that incident. My doctor entered my room in the ICU and started yelling at the nurses for allowing the incident to occur. I had a trach tube in so speaking would have been impossible. My friend tells me when the doctor got to my side I gave him the middle finger. "It figures you would defend the nurses against a bully" my friend told me later. Apparently the nurses got a big kick out of my action. I have no memory of this event.
I was told I was capable of great violence and rage. It's my understanding this isn't unusual with brain injury's. I don't remember being restrained but I have a scar on my right wrist. I asked a buddy if he knew how I got it he replied "buckle from the restraints". Again I have no memory of this.
As I was coming out of the coma there were a lot of strange hallucinations. I became very fearful, this was new to me as throughout my life I wasn't afraid of much. I'm not saying I was the bravest cat on the block but not much really scared me. After I emerged from coma I was frightened of everything. That has since abated, mostly
Three months after I emerged from the coma I tallied up the bills. Three Quarters of a Million dollars.
The fun was about to start.