I started this process to help my focus problems that started Eight years ago with a brain bleed. As I've stated before I would read 3 to 4 books a week until the bleed. I haven't read a book since due to focus problems. This is in addition to severe balance and sensory difficulties.
My initial hope was to bring back my reading skills. Any other progress with my balance or sensory challenges would be viewed as a bonus.
Two weeks previous, after the Oxygen pressure had been increased, I noticed that my vision was markedly better. I mentioned this to the tech and he nodded knowingly and said "it's due to the increased pressure and it's temporary". He was right. The improvement in vision lasted only several day's.
A day before my 39th session a woman from the main office asked me to show up early for an exit interview.
During the interview I was asked weather I had seen any improvement in my focus or balance. I had to tell her no.
Having completed 40 "dives' would I recommend HBOT?
I do know it works in certain situations, in my mind not enough research has been done to give a cogent answer. I have friends who have MS and have heard too many good things not to. A lot depends on if you think you can afford it. The cost is high, dependent upon where you live, expect $180-$200 per hour. I got lucky and had benefactors, thank you, but it ain't cheap.
Am I glad I did it, yes. I would have driven myself crazy wondering if it would help.
In my exit interview it was mentioned that positive results could occur later on.
I'll post later if that's the case.